Thursday, April 12, 2007

US compensation payments to Iraqi civilians made public

How much value does the US Government assign to Iraqi civilians killed because of our deliberate actions in their country? According to the article posted today in the Guardian as well as the recently release report on the ACLU website, those killed at the hands of Americans are worth $7500.

According the the released report, "an Iraqi civilian said US forces opened fire with more than 100 rounds on his sleeping family, killing his mother, father and brother. Such was the firepower that 32 of the family's sheep were also killed. The army acknowledged responsibility and made two payments: a compensation payment of $11,200 and a $2,500 condolence payment."

Obviously among it's countless failings they also find it hard to say their sorry in a very meaningful way. It is beyond time we bring our soldiers home. The lives of Iraqi civilians depend on it.

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